Integrated Management System Policy
Please, download the current version of our Integrated Management System Policy. Historical versions are available on request.INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY
It is the policy of Quintas Group to operate through its Integrated Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standards.
At Quintas Group we recognise our duties under current Safety, Health and Environmental legislation and we will endeavour to meet the requirements of this legislation and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Our Management and Supervisory team are informed of their responsibilities to ensure they take all reasonable precautions, to ensure the safety, health and welfare of those that are likely to be affected by the operation of our business.
We recognise our responsibilities to the environment, and we are committed to utilising resources in a sustainable manner, as well as seeking to prevent pollution and detrimental effect to the environment and systematically reduce our CO2 footprint.
Quintas Group adopts a Management System approach for Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality to guarantee its results with a focus on sustainability and continuous improvement in all its processes.
Quintas Group is committed to the prevention of injury and ill health and the continual improvement of safety, health and environmental standards in all its offices. Every employee has a legal and moral obligation to stop work that is unsafe and is actively encouraged to do so. The ultimate objectives are no accidents; no harm to people and to minimise our impact to the environment, including reducing our impact in climate change.
Quintas Group analyses business data to identify risks and opportunities for improvement and set targets and objectives that will be analysed as part of the Management Review activity. It will continually improve the effectiveness of the management system and the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.
Quintas Group will proactively work with all stakeholders, both internal and external, to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. Employees will take responsibility for the company processes related to their role and the wider business in general, actively seeking out improvements and the elimination of waste to positively influence the company KPIs. Any improvements to processes will be managed through the company change management system.
Quintas Group establishes, implements and maintains initiatives for consultation and participation of workers at all applicable levels and functions, and workers’ representatives, in the development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improvement of the Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality Management System.
This approach is based on the values of social responsibility, health and safety protection, respect for people, teamwork, respect for the environment, technical excellence and consistency in the execution of engineering work with an open mind to incorporate cutting-edge solutions.
A commitment to our customers, employees and interested parties
- Do things right the first time – with urgency, cost efficiently, more productively, safer and looking after the environment.
- Define structures and responsibilities relating to SHEQ activities.
- Consult and involve employees regarding SHEQ issues and determine and remove barriers to participation.
- Provide appropriate training to promote thorough awareness of the related issues and appropriate levels of employee competence to enable them to perform their duties. Communicate pertinent information relating to SHEQ concerns to employees.
- Implement systems to ensure that operational control is in place for activities undertaken.
- Reduce our direct and indirect CO2 emissions, energy usage and regularly assess opportunities for further reductions.
- Use teamwork and the business strategy to mitigate risks and develop opportunities all whilst keeping in mind each of our interested parties.
- Help our customers to be more productive and cost efficient.
- Work to achieve the objectives and targets for SHEQ standards with a particular focus on operational excellence, continual improvement, SHEQ issues/concerns, customer satisfaction.
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and health impairments, with a commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to safety and health at work.
- Carry out and comply with suitable risk assessments of applicable health and safety hazards and environmental aspects.
- Promote a process approach, understand the context of the Organization and apply risk-based thinking, which enables; minimize negative effects, maximize the use of opportunities, achieve intended results and adapt to the changes.
- Incorporate the most demanding standards to respond to a highly competitive market, ensure the conformity of its products and services (projects) and promote a focus on increasing customer satisfaction and responding to the needs and expectations of its interested parties.
- Encourage consultation and participation of workers and their representatives.
- Ensure the Organization's compliance with applicable requirements, including both legal and regulatory requirements and other requirements to which it subscribes.
This policy supports the strategic direction of the Organization, serves as a reference for establishing objectives and is required in all areas of activity. It applies to all activities, departments and areas of activity that are part of Quintas Group.
The Company's Management guarantees the availability of the resources necessary for its compliance and requests all people who work on behalf of the Organization to actively participate and contribute to the effectiveness of the Management System.